Oct 31, 2012

Summer in the Winter

So I've got a shopping problem. I have so many clothes and so little space. It's becoming a problem. I've created a goal for myself - to wear at least one item of clothing everyday that has been either hiding in the back of my closet or stuffed into a corner of my drawer. By putting in an effort to wear clothes that I would have otherwise forgotten about, it seems that my closet has grown! And so has my wallet. Win-win situation. 

Now that the colder months are upon us, it should not issue the warrant to go out and purchase a whole new wardrobe. Instead, try and transition your summer dresses to make them appropriate for when the temperature is below 50 degrees! It's all about adaptation people. Here are a couple tips I utilize so I can wear my summer frock all year round...

First of all, throw on some leggings or tights to cover up those gams!! 

Look how easily an adorable nautical dress (definitely a summer item) instantly becomes winter-ized just by adding some navy leggings!

Next, throw on a comfy cardigan! Warmth and coziness all in one versatile item of clothing. A long navy cardigan transforms a floral sundress into something very appropriate for the chilly months.

The cardigan - leggings rules also work for skirts! Love the deep plum shade of these tights.

Sadly, it's time to put away those adorable sandals and I know some people wear their flats throughout the winter but I'm just not one of those girls! Bring on the boots!

As seen below, both tall boots and short boots look great with dresses!

Of course, in more fancy situations, riding boots won't really work. Try pairing your summer dress with some tights and pumps!

I'm loving those jewel tones in this outfit. 

What are your tips to winterize your wardrobe?

[All photos found via Pinterest]