Oct 18, 2012

Apple Cider Bubbly

Looking for a fun new beverage to enjoy while watching the leaves fall from the trees (does anyone else do this besides me)? Want something festive and tasty to sip on while you carve your pumpkin? Want to get a buzz while handing out fun-sized candy bars to little trick-or-treaters? Look no further mangs! Everyone that knows me, knows that I have a slight addiction to champagne. I love the stuff. I've been known to casually day-drink an entire bottle, and have a "champagnover" set in by 5 pm. That part is no fun, but slowly I'm learning my limits. 

Over the weekend I was craving something a little different, I looked in my fridge and happened to see a variety of beverages. The 2 that stuck out to me? Apple cider (yum) and a bottle of champagne. So I thought, why not mix? Using a 2:1 ratio (2 parts champy, 1 part apple cider) I mixed the beverages, and voila! A delicious, refreshing, and fall-ish liquid refreshment was born. 

Not too sweet, not too bubbly, goes down a little TOO easy (but who's complaining?). 

It's so delicious and I could totally see this bevvie paired with some cheese and crackers (or Thanksgiving dinner). Go make it! Super easy and super delicious.