Oct 4, 2012

Optical Illusion

Every woman wants a perfect body - an hourglass shape, curvy but not too curvy, with all the assets proportional. However, unless the man upstairs bestowed this shape upon you, or if you've got the chump change to have a doctor create it, chances are you don't fall into this category. Heck, I know I sure don't. My butt is on the large side (not complaining!!) and Ferg so lovingly gave me the nickname "32 bee stings" in high school. Well, joke was on her...'cause I'm not even a b-cup! Whatevaaaa. 

Now all this doesn't even matter anymore because designers have created FINALLY come up with the bright idea to create clothes that makes you look like you've got the perfect bod! I don't know why it took so long. I first saw this type of dress on Kate Winslet for some boring awards show. 

Homegirl looked good!! Besides that awkward face. But we're not here to talk about faces - check out the color blocking on that frock and how it immediately slims out her sides and accentuates everything that she would want to accentuate! It's like rocket science! Wait... no no... it's DRESS science people! Ms. Winslet isn't the only one that's hopped in the optical-illusion-dress-train!

Ohh Kim. How could we forget you. Not that she needs help accentuating anything, but this dress gives her that perfect hourglass body shape!

Last but not least is my favorite dress worn here by Edie Falco. I love the cut-out sides, and that classic color combo of navy, white, and gold. The belt accentuates the tiny waist, as does the cutouts. And what a great way to show off your guns!

Now I realize all the above dresses, although fabulous, are completely out of my (and maybe your) price range. So I took it upon myself to do some online shopping for y'all.
[This dress can be found here]

[This dress can be found here]

[This dress can be found here]

What do you think of the idea of a dress contouring your body thanks to the color blocking? Would you wear any of these? Find any others you'd like to share?