Jul 25, 2012

Smart Spending

I've been obsessed with this bracelet for a while now; Corey and I have discussed it more than once. It’s just so beautiful and shiny and the thick links would be a great addition to any arm party collection. 
The downside: it’s $125 and that’s just a tad over my price range when it comes to buying a single piece of jewelry. So I made the mature, albeit depressing decision not to buy it and simply continued to stare at it’s picture every so often. And then, as if by a miracle, as if the clouds had opened up (okay, maybe too dramatic, but that’s how I felt), we stumbled upon this similar piece!

And it was only $24! For 100 dollars in savings, I’ll take it and love it with all my heart.

Have you ever been obsessed with something a bit too expensive, only to find a more economical and just as wonderful version?