Jul 4, 2012

Carry On, Carry On

My flight to the US is just two days away and the packing is underway! As I usually wait until 3am the night before, I have to say, I'm very proud of myself. Packing isn't the easiest or most fun thing to do, but what with all the back and forth the past year, I've gotten it pretty down to a science. Here's a glimpse at how I pack my carry-on bag.

For overseas flights that sometimes seem endlessly long, I find it important to have things to do to make the time go faster. For this reason, I have myself a little bracelet making kit!

[Plenty of colorful string to keep me busy]
[Gold beads...]
[...and chains to add a bit of flash]
[Clasps to hold everything together]
[A few finished products]
[My planner, a good book and some games of Sudoku]
Unless you're inhuman, you won't be looking your absolute best upon arrival. If I have time during my layover, I like to freshen up a bit so I don't look like or feel that glossy sheen that just screams I've had a long flight. 

[Makeup essentials...]
[...and toiletry necessities]
[Sunglasses and gum to chew on while waiting for that delectable airplane food]
[Gotta have my wallet and keys--thank you Captain Obvious]
[Ipod to listen to some jams and both my Italian and American phones to keep in contact]

What do you typically consider important to have in your carry-on?

P.S. Happy 4th of July mangs!!