I’m no nail expert, but sometimes I like to pretend I am.
But only when it’s something easy because otherwise I’ll most definitely mess
it up. For example, here is a picture of what my nails look like right now.
But, if you were sitting here with me yesterday, you would know that I also did
an assortment of other designs on the rest of my fingers, which I then
proceeded to remove… it wasn't cute.
All you need to create this striped look is two nail polish
colors of your choice, a pair of scissors and some tape. Paint the first color and let it dry completely. If it’s not
dry, the tape will pull up the polish and no one wants that.
Cut the tape as shown above and remove one piece at a time
and place it on your nail. Once all the pieces are in place, paint your second
color onto your nail over the tape. Again, wait for it to dry and then gently
remove the tape, throw on some top coat if you wish and you’re done!
Do you have any cool and easy nail designs you like to do?! Sometimes it’s nice to switch things up!