- Family – My brother, sister and I are all home for the week leading up to Tgives and the Ferguson house is a full one again.
- Friends – Everyone comes back from wherever they are and whatever they've been doing to be gloriously reunited. Thanksgiving Eve anyone?
- Awesomely delicious food. And probably the one day of the year that Americans beat Italians in this category.
- The encompassing positive atmosphere and good vibes that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside
- Appreciating everything and everyone you so fortunately have in your life
- Three day work week (that’s kind of more like two and a half).
- The lack of commercials and capitalism
- Leftovers, in particular, hot, open faced turkey sandwiches with homemade gravy. Mmmmmmm.
- Everyone celebrates! There isn't a question of religion or culture. If you’re American, you celebrate Thanksgiving.
- The start of the holiday season – If Thanksgiving is the peak of the roller coaster, the following weeks are the excited spirals and loops of lights and shopping and decorations, etc. Except I passionately dislike roller coasters and I love the weeks after Thanksgiving.
- What’s not to like when the hardest decision of the day is white wine or red wine??
What do you love about Thanksgiving?? What's your favorite holiday??