what I find the most interesting, is how as the years go by, the way we view
who we are, where we are, what we’re doing and the timeline of how we’ve gotten
here or how far we have to go, adapts as something in and of itself. Now that
we’re a couple years out of college, which seems like yesterday and forever ago
at the same time, real life decisions are being made, paths are being chosen
and we’re becoming legitimate adults, while simultaneously feeling like we’re nowhere
near ready to embrace adulthood. And though this gradually happens throughout a
year, it feels more noticeable when we all gather back at home for the
moving forward is exciting and looking back incites nostalgia, it’s nice to
take a moment here and there to just be where we are right now. On Friday,
we’ll be back with our gaggle of mangs, our fabulous, hilarious mangs, past,
present and future, some of whom I haven’t seen in this past year of big or
little changes, and in those million moments between Friday afternoon and
Saturday morning, I am going to be in it.
As one mang said, “This is going to get rowdy and I like it.”
Does being home ever effect your perspective on things?