Nov 5, 2012

Dress Frenzy

This Sunday we’re adventuring up to Venice where Nicco has a work conference and we’re being put up in a 5 star hotel that’s been around since the 13th century. Holler for pretending to be ballers for a week! I’ll be working for a couple of days from the hotel and spending the rest of the time exploring, sometimes with Nicco and occasionally by myself I’m sure. There is a gala (oo la la) to wrap up the week, which means dun dun dunnn I get to buy a pretty dress!

Yet, while I’ve been anticipating this date since June and have been pondering which style I’d like to strut my stuff in (work appropriately of course), in typical Ferg fashion, I’ve yet to actually make a purchase. We’re a week out here people and I’m starting to get nervous. Like, seeing flashbacks of those times in high school when I’d tell my mom I wasn’t going to the school dance, only to decide last minute that I wanted to go just to end up throwing tantrums in the dressing rooms because I couldn’t find anything. I should probably do this dress shopping thing on my own.

Typically I work well under pressure. That’s not the problem I have here. My main concern is (not so) simply that if I were in the U.S., I’d know exactly where to go to find the dress I’ve so intricately dreamed up in my head for the past six months. Except…I’m in Italy and besides my good friend, Zara, I’m not completely certain as to where I might find a dress that’s within my budget and gives others the opportunity to ask me, “Oh you fancy, huh?” So while I mildly freak out, I figured I’d share those dresses that I would be hunting down if these were somewhat different circumstances (aka if I were on the other side of the pond).

[I love the color, the contouring and the little pop of peplum]
[The detailing at the neck is so pretty and this would be great for the holiday season coming up as well]

[I'm obsessed with navy blue and I need something with a Peter Pan collar in a bad way]

[Zara always does me right and this one actually is accessible to me.
Question is: should I go for the LBD or be a little risk-ay with the white?]
Have you ever been to Venice? If so: thoughts, suggestions, ideas of places to go or people to see?? I’d love to hear how you felt about the city! 

Additionally, if you have any advice on where I might find a dress in the Florence area, feel free to throw it out there as well!