Feb 18, 2013

This Weekend I...

Finished reading The Perks of Being A Wallflower and started on the movie.

I never read it in high school, though I really wish I had. I haven't finished the movie yet, but I'm enjoying it thus far! Despite the fact that if there were a game similar to "rock, paper, scissors" called "book, movie, neither", book would always win...

For those who read the book and watched the movie, any thoughts on the comparison?

Hung out with someone I haven't seen since I was 5.

This is Diana. She was the little red-headed girl that was also a twin that lived next door to my grandma and aunt when I was little, so little that I hardly even remember. Now, twenty years later, at age 25, here we are, just hanging out in Florence, Italy. NBD.

Took a shot that included this guy: made up of orange slices, coffee grinds, sugar, bananas and poppy seeds.

Any guesses as to how it works?

Stood atop these mountains and taught this one how to ski.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and that, while mine is over, you still have an extra day of fun that awaits you!