Feb 20, 2013

If You Liked it Then You Should Have Put a [Monogram] On it

Weird title - I know, sorry. But I started singing that phrase in my head, then it got stuck.
 So now I want you all to suffer with me. 

But, seriously. 

Has anyone else noticed how as of recent, every one is getting their most beloved possessions monogrammed? I can't say I hate it! I was totally one of the "L.L.Bean backpack generation" children, so monograms run through my veins! 

Check out the below products - a slight improvement from those neon backpacks, am I right?

[Find these here.]
[Find this here.]
[Find this here.]

[Find these here.]
[Find this here.]

What do you think about the monogram making a comeback? Would you ever wear (or decorate with) your initials?