Growing up, I considered one’s birthday to be one’s special diva day. On January 20th, best beware, my little girl fantasies flourished, hopes were high and every little detail had to be perfect. Then somewhere along the way, I decided birthdays had a slight tendency to seem like my own personal New Year’s Eve, in which the anticipation and expectations were so great that the probability of perfection would likely be impossible. Read: I was a “difficult” child and I was quite literal in using my birthday as my Diva Day.
I like to think I’ve chilled
out a bit since my youngin’ years. I still get excited when my birthday rolls
around and if you want to throw special treatment my way, I will gladly take
it, but I don’t try to make it any big thaang. Good food, family and friends and
I’m set.
This year, we planned to have
dinner in Florence with a small group of my favorite people here, with the
theme of the night deemed “pochi ma buoni”, few but good, or better
translated as only the best. The rest of the night was left wide open with the
intention of strolling around the city, popping champagne and ya know,
celebrating my greatness. Or so I thought...
We were on our way to a bar
on the other side of the Arno, my friend Jessica excitedly explaining that
there were darts awaiting us, when we came upon a limo and it’s driver, to whom
Nicco swiftly sauntered over.
“Guys, why is Nicco talking
to that limo driver?” I asked, perplexed. And then it hit me. The limo was for
me! I’m not normally one for surprises (something which Nicco likes to gently
ignore), but seriously, best. surprise. ever. Talk about diva!
For the remainder of the
night we were chauffeured around the city, ballin’ in the Bentley, stopping momentarily
at our favorite bars (pit stops, mangs, they’re SO important), only to promptly
dash off to our next unknown destination.
We ended the night at Piazza
Michelangelo, which if any of you have ever been, is easily the most beautiful
view of Florence, day or night, rain or shine, and quite arguably makes the list
of most picturesque places in the world.
If this is 25, then by all
means, full speed ahead.