Aug 6, 2012

Tie Dye Nails

Sometimes it’s nice to keep a manicure simple; to just paint on one sleek, classic color and be done with it. This, however, was not one of those times. Instead, this was a time that I felt the urge to do something exciting with my nails for absolutely no reason at all. Except that catching a quick glimpse at a cute set of filangies makes my day that much better and I’m completely certain that’s enough reason in and of itself.

I came across this DIY at the beginning of the summer and have just been waiting for the moment when I’d have the patience to sit down and do it. And then have enough self-control to stay sitting, without moving or diddling around, so as not to mess it up. I’m not the best nail artist and patience definitely isn’t my strongest virtue (or really a virtue of mine at all so…) but this didn’t end up being as hard or as time-consuming as I’d imagined. 

I didn’t have anyone to lend a helping hand (literally) in the documentation process, but here’s the final product.

I used OPI Bubble Bath, Sally Hansen Grey Area and Essie e-nuf is e-nuf as I still wanted it to be a bit subdued, but there in an infinite number of color combinations that would look fantastic.

Would you try this nail art out and what colors would you choose to use?!