Aug 15, 2012

Belt it Out

I love belts without prejudice to the shape, size or color. They’re convenient when a simple outfit just needs a little something extra and they’re capable of bringing various pieces together to create a streamlined look. I’ve been more drawn to skinny belts over the past couple years and it’s clearly reflected in my wardrobe. While I didn’t have a problem neglecting wider belts for a time, I’ve recently realized the error of my ways.

During our mini-vaca in Wildwood last month, I wore this outfit for a night on the town. 

[There we are]
I wanted to wear this skirt in particular and the way it fits me absolutely requires a belt be worn. Only problem: I had a handful of skinny belts to choose from but none would quite work with the skirt. Then a friend let me borrow this wide black belt and voila! All seemed right with the world (or maybe just with my outfit). Thus began the search for a similar belt of my own… Here are some I consider to be worthwhile alternatives.

What's your general preference when it comes to belts? Skinny, wide or no belt at all?