Sep 6, 2012

Tan Towels

For those that don't know's a little tidbit about yours truly; I have the most sensitive skin in the world. Okay, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but let me tell you a little story. Flashback to Summer 2010; me and my BFF's were going on a much deserved, post-college-graduation trip to Key West, FL. It was perfect...the sun was hot, the sand was soft, and the water was clear. I made sure to lather up my pale skin in sunblock (don't want those wrinkles!!) and we laid out for the day. Well, by approximately 10pm that night, my entire body was covered in hives and swollen. Cute, right? The next morning my savior was a shot in my butt and a prescription for steroids. Ohhh whadda trip! Well, I learned my lesson and since then I use ONLY Neutrogena Pure & Free Baby Sunscreen (SPF 60!) and I strictly limit my time in the sun's rays. 

Now just because I have the lifestyle of an albino does not mean I don't appreciate the look of a healthy, sun-kissed glow! I have always been an advocate of sunless tan lotions, but lately they just haven't been cuttin' it for me. They take too long to show results, they smell kinda freaky, and the results are often streaky. Enter...tan towels!!

They are small, individually wrapped, pre-moistened (eww that word) towelettes that you just rub all over your arms, legs, even face!! Really, anywhere you want a little glow. The color develops within a few hours and usually the result is dark enough to notice, but not TOO dark so that it looks unnatural. The color is not orange at all, although I imagine this could depend on your skin's natural color. I love that the towels are individually wrapped as well, so easy for traveling!

I swear this company is not endorsing me or anything, I just really love this product! I purchased 3 boxes right off of Amazon and use these bad boys more often than I'd care to admit -- hey a girl's gotta look tan right? Plus they won't give you wrinkles or skin cancer! Win-win situation.

Do you use any sunless tanning products? Which are your favorites? Would you ever give Tan Towels a try?