May 29, 2012

Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies

I absolutely love all things that are bad for me . . . chocolate, sweets, baked goods, and pretty much every carb on this planet; you name it, I love it. However, I don’t like being fat, and I hate having “thick days.” Ya know…those days where you just feel huge, puffy, and gross? Eww no thanks. So, whenever I find a recipe that’s particularly high in calories, fat, and sugar, I always try to make a healthier version. Yesss ok it doesn’t taste QUITE as delicious as the one that will add a nice tire around your waist, but it still satisfies that craving. Of course, I’ve made some mistakes when attempting to healthify goodies (blackbean brownies—ugh…some things just shouldn’t be changed) however every once in a while I come across a healthy recipe that pleases all who try it. I found a chocolate chip cookie recipe from this website, yet tweaked it a bit to make it my own.


-1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
-1/2 stick of softened butter (the ONE unhealthy thing in these cookies!!)
-3/4 cup of raw honey (or use regular honey if that’s what you have)
-2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
-2 egg whites
-2 mashed up bananas

-1 cup of whole wheat flour
-3/4 cup of peanut flour (if you don’t like peanut flavor, just use all whole wheat flour)
-1 cup of whole grain rolled oats (use a food processor, or a knife to chop the oats up into smaller pieces)
-1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
-1/4 tsp. cinnamon
-1 tsp. baking soda
-1 tsp. sea salt

[Finishing touches]
-1 package of dark chocolate chips
-Chopped walnuts, peanuts, almonds, any nut really!
-Chopped craisins, raisins, or any dry fruit
-Rice krispies (for a crunch!)
-Toasted coconut


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all wet ingredients in a large bowl.

Chop whole grain oats into smaller pieces.

Combine all your dry ingredients into a smaller bowl.

Then carefully stir the dry ingredients into the wet ones. Then add in your finishing touches! My favorite is the dark chocolate chips, but a craisin/walnut combo is delicious as well!

Place cookies on a baking sheet and bake for 10-14 minutes (it depends on your oven and how well done you like your cookies).

These cookies are AMAZING fresh out of the oven. They have a very cake-y texture, and are extremely filling! This recipe makes a ton of cookies, so don’t be afraid to throw your extras into the freezer. Whenever you want one, just pop it into the micro for 20 seconds and it’s like it just came out of the oven . . . mmmmm. Enjoy!!

Do you have any healthy dessert recipes? Please share!