Apr 25, 2013

One Line a Day...

I've always been fond of the idea of keeping a journal. It would be so lovely to have one book with all my past life's events written down. However, does anyone really have time at the end of the day to write a page or two about what happened to them? I have had so many good times in my life, I'm pretty sure that I only remember 40% of them - that is upsetting to me! A diary is  a great way to jot down one's daily adventures and emotions, but ain't nobody got time for that!!

At the end of the day, I barely have the energy to swipe my makeup off my face, let alone write about all the happenings in my day. 

That's why when I discovered the "One Line a Day" memory book, I knew it was perfect. It is a five year memory book, and is designed so that you only have the space for a sentence or two per day! Just enough space to write down your main thoughts on the day. 

I also love how it is designed so that you see what happened on the same day for five years. 

If you have time to check Facebook before you go to sleep, then you definitely have the time to keep up with this memory book. 

And now my favorite adventures will not be forgotten!

Do you keep a diary or journal? Do you feel that regular diaries are too time consuming?