Apr 2, 2013

Night for Newtown at Fenway Park

A couple weeks ago I drove up to Boston for an incredible event. A group of people that I attended high school with, organized a fundraiser for Newtown. The purpose of the gathering was to raise money for a children's museum in Newtown. 

I convinced my sista from another mista, Jamie, to purchase a ticket as well. Our night started out as a typical "Jamie-Corey" evening - with some redbull based beverages, obv!

And it's just not a classic girl's night until we take a dozen selfies.

A short cab ride and we were right outside of the stadium! Although it was a bit chilly, it was a gorgeous evening.

The event itself was held in the State Street Pavilion, which was an impressive indoor venue with an amazing view of the field.

The food was amazing! Delicious appetizers were passed around, in addition to all the "classic" stadium food - hot dogs, pulled pork sliders, and pizza! Not to mention all the beer and wine!

There was an amazing turnout. The event was completely sold out - 700 tickets!

I caught up with one of my best friends from high school, and one of the organizers of these great evening, Will Jacob!

There was a band that played all night long - the music was great. Jamie and I danced off all those appetizers.

Free tours were offered of the stadium! It was so cool being able to walk around Fenway without the crowds.

We even got a peak inside the pressroom! It gave me chills to see my town's name up on the stadium screens.

Jamie and I decided we had enough of the organized tour, and decided to sneak off a bit on our own. I mean - when else would we be within Fenway Stadium and have the opportunity to explore a bit?

We found a desk and obviously decided it was a great place to do some glamour shots.

We eventually found our way back to the rest of the group, and took some more pictures by the empty stadium. 

It's like the event organizers read my mind, and knew I loved to end my evenings with a taste of sweet! All attendees were invited to take a cupcake (red velvet) for the road. Or just shove it in your mouth while still in the building.

It was truly a magical evening and I'm so glad I made the drive up for it. My fellow Newtown High alumni put so much work into this event and it showed. Everything went perfectly and it was a night I will never forget.

And obviously what is a weekend in Boston without a delicious brunch? Jamie and I met up with her boyfriend, Paul, who took us to the Highland Kitchen for brunch. It was delicious and extremely necessary after our previous night.

We went with all the brunch necessities: bloody mary's, beignets, and biscuits. 

Brunch was phenomenal and the company was even better. A wicked Boston weekend, for sure!