Jan 31, 2013


New Years Eve is one of those holidays that everyone has SUCH high expectations for, and because of these expectations often the evening seems a little anticlimactic. This however, was not the case for my NYE. Approximately 2 weeks before the big night I still didn't have any plans. This really didn't bother me. I thought a night in with Alex and a bottle of wine sounded just as great as a rager in the city. However, when both of us were invited to by our friends to join them at a club called Providence in NYC, how could we say no?

We ventured to their apartment and were greeted by a home-cooked meal (thanks Mary), friends, and champagne! Already a great start to the night.

One the menu was kale caesar salad, pasta with homemade sauce, and garlic bread.

It was delicious and made our breath smell like we had been sucking on garlic lollipops. Whateva!

We changed into our NYE outfits and enjoyed some cocktails! Mary surprised us all with some NYE garb she picked up on the streets of New York!

We clean up pretty well, no?

We made our way out into the chilly evening looking quite dapper!

Finally we made it to Providence which was such a great venue! Not once did the place feel overcrowded, and if you were aggressive enough, you never had to wait for a drink!

We danced the night away (the music was great).

Jamie and Alex showed off their best bar-trick!

A couple hours after the ball had dropped, and once we had our fill of champagne, we decided to venture  back out into the wild streets of NYC!

Alex tried his very best to convince us all to go on to another bar.

We decided that we had had enough beverages for one evening and agreed that what we needed at that point was sustenance in the form of munchies. We group-hugged on it.

It was a long journey but we knew our final destination would be worth it.

Artichoke Pizza!!!! Anybody else as obsessed as I am? Probably the best slice o' pie I've ever had. Tastes like clam chowder soup on top of toasty bread ... in a good way.

Once we ate slices that were the size of our heads, we decided that we had enough fun for one night, and cabbed it back to Mary's apartment.

The following morning was spent recapping the evening by the glow of the Christmas tree and scarfing down some fresh, hot bagels.

Truly one of the best NYE's I've had! How was your NYE? Do you prefer a big night out with friends or a quiet night in with a bottle of wine?