Jan 30, 2013

Consider Me Obsessed

Once upon a time (aka up until a couple months ago) I had to artfully persuade Nicco into accompanying me to an Italian bookstore every so often. When I had succeeded, I would scour the English language section for something, anything, that might spark my interest. In this way, I read Pride & Prejudice (and enjoyed it) because 1) I had heard so much about it, 2) I felt an obligation to read such a classic and 3) I didn’t have much in the way of options. Alas, no more, my friends! Because I now have a Kindle and that thing is pure gold in my book. Pun, boom. Not only is it extremely easy to hold no matter the awkward position I choose to read in, not only can I buy any book from the convenience of my own home without any feats of persuasion or force, but with the help of Dropbox, I can share books with friends..fo’ free! 

[Downton Abbey]
Typically when I choose to watch a TV show, I go for comedy. A few weeks ago, however, I had caught up with my favorite funnies, had free time on my hands and decided to dive into the drama filled Downton Abbey. I am now addicted. Within an embarrassingly short period of time and thinking that the fourth season had just started airing in the U.S., I watched all of season 1, season 2, season 3…and then suddenly realized season 4 is still non-existent. So now I have to wait for a new one to come out every week like the rest of you, which is somewhat unfortunate.

[English Breakfast Tea]
If I’m going to become friends with the English (by watching a show about the English I mean) then I’m going to have to adapt to the English ways of course. English Breakfast Tea is my favorite way in which to warm up in this wintry weather with just a spot of caffeine so I can ease up on the double shots of espresso I’ve been sipping on lately. Despite what one might think, more caffeine does not make one more awake, it just serves to fuel the anxiety.

[Top Bun]
This trend may be old news to some of you, but I’m only just wrapping my head (or hair) around it. Bun pun! Best greasy hair/bad hair day/no time for beauty trick I’ve found and it looks flawless, as if you’ve put forth such effort, every single time. Besides, the reaction I got the first time I wore it out and told all my Italian friends I had a sock in my hair was just about priceless, in the best sense of the word.

Any book recommendations you’d like to share? How much do you love Downton Abbey?? What do you do with your hair when it’s full of those lovely natural oils?