May 17, 2012

Think Pink

If you asked me when I was 5 or 6 years old, what my favorite color was…I would have replied without blinking an eye PINKANDPURPLE…because back then when play-dough and cooties ruled the playground, you absolutely could not have one without the other. 

My fashion sense has matured since then, and I hate to admit that 75% of my closet is filled with blacks, grays, and neutrals. It was one obscure Saturday a few weeks ago that I decided to relive a part of my childhood by making my first pink clothing purchase in approximately 18 years. I chose Forever 21’s Career Jacket in Fuchsia. I’m not going to lie…the tags are still on the blazer, yet every time I see it hanging in my closet, I find myself daydreaming of the various outfits it would compliment. I can picture it now…a bright pink blazer with dark denim skinnies, or even dressed down with some cut off shorts, not to mention it’d be a perfect cover-up for a summery dress. The possibilities are truly endless. Now I just need to muster up the same fashion bravery I had as a five year old and rip the tags off.

The Forever 21 version is no longer on the website, but here are a couple other options I came across that the five year old Corey would most definitely approve of… 


[Urban Outfitters]

[Funky Town]

Do you find it difficult to incorporate certain colors into your own wardrobe?

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